management & leadership
HIT sessions
Virtual management high intensity training
Traditional classroom settings are brilliant for introducing staff to each other, creating synergy and discovering methods to develop their management interactions. However, as more and more people are working remotely, organisations are having to adapt quickly to fulfil their obligation to develop their workforce. Stale online platforms offering information to read can increase topic awareness but rarely embed learning and create the behavioural change required for success.
These fast-paced 90-minute virtual workshops provide a quick 'HIT' of learning, supporting managers to develop their people management techniques and gain instant wins. The high intensity training sessions are online face-to-face sessions, specifically built to retain all the interactivity of our typical programmes. All HIT sessions are conducted virtually and are designed to support behavioural change.
The highly interactive sessions will concentrate on specific topics; sharing proven theories, research or techniques in plenary and then making the learning truly stick through small online breakout groups. This HIT function enables all the delegates to work together in pairs/small groups to practice, share ideas and experiences and discuss possible solutions - just as they would in a classroom setting. This has the advantage of creating time for everyone to speak, time to ask their questions, be fully involved and importantly develop stronger connections with colleagues whilst forming a plan of action.
Personal coaching to embed learning
Our virtual workshops are a short but intensive learning option which increase management skills, understanding and a positive can-do attitude. They provide a safe learning environment for sharing best practice.
To embed the learning, after participation in the HIT workshop all delegates will be offered a free personal coaching session to support the implementation of new working processes.
These workshops and subsequent coaching create an opportunity to connect with colleagues and increase organisational awareness, enabling participants to implement behavioural change immediately.
A wide range of HIT subjects are available including;
Increased productivity: Meetings, time management, expectation management, problem solving
Stress management: Resilience, coping mechanisms, energy refuelling, positive mindset
Building winning relationships: Develop trust, appreciating people, the art of listening, managing up
Team development: Impactful coaching, winning feedback, identifying the team code, creating purpose
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